
Burgers have the largest customer increase (+30%) of Mains. To keep up with hungry crowds, the automation has “gotta go fast” like Sonic The Hedgehog.


Cheeseburgers + Extras

Cheeseburgers and Burger Extras have all been included in one handy design. The design is small enough to include both cards. This also shows off the “tomato slice trick” of pushing tomato sauce/paste into the bin when it over chops the tomato to continue making tomato slices.


Fresh Patties

Fresh Patties is a tough card: Burgers are usually fast paces, while fresh patties take a lot more work to make each burger patty. These fast designs are designed to make patties as fast as they cook!


The second design here is slower, but smaller, and simpler; yet we love it all the same.


Complete Burger Setup

Now let’s put all the steps of this dance together and see how it looks: complex, but could be worse.

The left half makes fresh patty burgers as fast as the danger hob can cook; The right half makes all toppings. Add an extra compactor bin on the right column to turn tomato slices automation speed turned up to 11!
